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Ingram Tom Moore High School

Ingram Tom Moore News

Transfer window
Ingram ISD opens limited window for transfer students through Dec. 6

Interested parents or guardians should apply now for consideration for January 2025 placement.

Fri Mar 14 09:25 AM

Ingram ISD
With no challengers, Ingram ISD cancels 2025 election

Trustees Wayne McLintock and Adam Nichols will return. to their seats after election is canceled.

Thu Mar 13 11:18 AM

Ingram baseball
Ingram Tom Moore High School baseball rallies to beat Boerne Geneva

Senior Myles Jordan led the Warriors' offense, going 2-for-4 with three RBIs and two doubles.

Thu Mar 06 12:33 PM

Ingram ISD logo
Ingram ISD Approves 2025-26 School Calendar

Ingram Independent School District's board approved the 2025-26 academic calendar on Feb. 24, featuring 167 instructional days and five employee wellness days.

Thu Mar 06 12:29 PM

Ingram Tom Moore FAQ

Parking permit forms are available to pick up in the high school office.

Students must bring all the following requirements to the high school office to get a parking pass.

  1. Parent Signed Drug Testing Authorization Form
  2. Proof of current insurance
  3. Driver's License
  4. Student Parking Application
  5. $10 cash or check

Parking passes will also be available at Meet the Tribe and in the cafeteria during lunches the first week of school.

ITM parking



Ingram Tom Moore High School / Ingram Middle School / Ingram Elementary School


It is recognized in the Ingram Schools that cleanliness, personal appearance, and proper dress habits are important in determining the pattern of school and social conduct. Subject to the educational process, the appearance of students at school is a responsibility that rests primarily with the parents/guardians of the students.  The school becomes involved in that responsibility when the total appearance of the student body, or individuals within the student body, directly affects the attitude, safety, health, behavior, and learning environment within the school. 

This dress code may not cover every incident or situation which may arise during the school year. Therefore, any situation that arises and is not covered specifically by the dress code will be left to the principal’s discretion.

This District dress code applies anytime the student is on school property or at a school-sponsored event.


The following dress code guidelines will be enforced:

  1. Student appearance will be judged by neatness, cleanliness, and appropriateness.

  2. Dress and appearance codes may be altered for special events at the approval of the administrator.

3.   Other than the special provisions mentioned above, the following list applies to all students:

A student’s age will also be taken into consideration in determining appropriateness and appearance.

General Clothing

The students must be fully and appropriately dressed in a way that is not distracting to the educational process.  Clothing that is revealing and/or does not fit properly will not be allowed. 

  • Pants must be worn at the waist, not sagging or dragging.  Pants with excessively large pockets will not be allowed. Sag or bag clothing cannot be worn at school or any school function.

  • Oversized shirts or blouses are not allowed. 

  • Any bare midriffs will not be permitted. 

  • Tank Tops and Spaghetti Straps are not permitted.

  • Male students are not allowed to wear sleeveless shirts.

  • See-through clothing of any kind will not be allowed.

  • Any attire with an inappropriately low front neckline, or side seam, or that is backless will not be allowed.

  • Any attire deemed too tight or too loose will not be allowed.

  • Appropriate undergarments will be worn, but not visible.

  • Coats and jackets must be appropriate for school. Oversized coats and trench coats are not allowed.

  • Clothing and/or accessories printed or stamped with obscene, drugs, alcohol, vulgar, or suggestive language/advertisements or scenes are prohibited. 

  • Any gang-related attire/paraphernalia including chains is prohibited.

  • Clothing with rips, tears, and/or holes that are distracting and/or in inappropriate places will not be allowed.  Rips, tears, and/or holes above the knees will not be allowed if skin is visible.  

  • Writing or markings with pens, markers, etc. on clothing will not be allowed.

  • Any shirt, shorts, or pants deemed to be underwear or pajamas will not be allowed.

Shorts, skorts, skirts, and dresses 

  • Appropriately fitting shorts and skirts may be worn, providing they are no shorter than mid-thigh when standing. 

  • Tights, yoga pants, biker shorts, etc can be worn with a blouse that extends to mid-thigh (with arms extended out parallel to the ground).  

Earrings & Accessories

  • No more than three earrings are allowed to be worn on each ear.

  • Gauges are not allowed.

  • No other studs or rings may be worn on the face, nose, eyebrows, lips, or tongue.  This includes any plastic, metal, or “holder” used to keep the piercing open.

  • Boys are not allowed to wear earrings.

  • Students are not allowed to display any other body piercing.

  • Wallets with chains are not allowed. Dog chains may not be worn as jewelry or accessories by any student. 

  • Bracelets, necklaces, and belts that have spikes of any kind or size are not allowed.


  • Shoes must always be worn. House shoes, slides, and flip-flops are not acceptable. 

  • Athletic shoes are expected for all P.E. classes. 

  • Students are allowed to wear appropriate shoes that have a back.

Hats, Caps, & Head Coverings

  • Hats, sweatbands, headbands, caps, head-covers of any type, and sunglasses will not be worn inside the school buildings at any time during the instructional day. These items are reserved for outdoor use as deemed appropriate by the campus principal.  

  • No bandanas allowed. 

  • Hoods on the back of clothing are not allowed to be worn while on campus.


  • Tattooing is highly discouraged. No tattoos may be displayed and must be covered during the instructional day and at all school functions

  • Marking of any body parts with ink, markers, or permanent markers will not be allowed.


  • Hair will be natural colors only, examples are: blonde, natural red, black or brown only.

  • Boys’ & Girls’ hair must be neat, clean, and well-groomed at all times. Distracting hairstyles such as extremely dyed hair, painted hair, spikes, or partially shaved head/hair is not allowed. The hair must be uniformly cut with no designs or insignias cut into the hair. Hair must be neatly styled and must not cover the eyes or hang in front of the face.  

  • The length of boys’ hair must not extend past the top of a shirt collar, cannot completely cover the ears, and must be worn in a manner that does not disrupt the educational environment.  Sideburns must be neatly groomed and not extend beyond the bottom of the earlobe. 

Facial Hair/Make Up  

  • Facial hair will not be allowed. Mustaches and/or partial or full beards are not permitted.

  • Eyebrows may not be notched.

  • Make-up and nail polish may be worn by female students only.

Enforcement of Dress Code

  • The entire staff will enforce the dress code. Offenses may result in disciplinary action in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. Repeated dress code violations will result in further disciplinary action.

  • The administrator in cooperation with the sponsor, coach, or other persons in charge of an extracurricular activity will regulate the dress and grooming of students who participate in the activity.  Students who violate these standards may be removed or excluded from the activity for a period of time determined by the administrator or sponsor and may be subject to further disciplinary action.

  • If it becomes necessary, the principal or delegated school official will counsel individual students and their parent/guardian concerning the appearance of the students.  If counseling does not produce the desired result, the principal will take whatever action he/she deems necessary to ensure appropriateness, health, safety, and appearance.

  • The principal has the authority to make a ruling on any controversial dress code issue in question.

Ingram Tom Moore High School sports tickets
Ingram Tom Moore football
Ingram girls volleyball landing page
Ingram Tom Moore cross country
Ingram Tom Moore tennis
The virtual wall of honor is on the website, and will list all of those who graduated from Tom Moore High School and served in the U.S. Military.

Small School. Big Futures.